Value Engineering

Value Engineering


SAVE International


Society for Advancement of Value Engineering (SAVE) techniques which promote value methodologies consisting of value engineering, value analysis and value management.


Value methodology techniques have been an acceptable method for owners to decrease engineered construction project budgets prior to construction. Using techniques that review ”form and function” of a facility, engineering suggestions through focused workshops with engineers, estimators and project stakeholders to identify protection project areas that can be re-engineering to save project resources.

Value methodology is used by government agencies during the design phases prior to construction for many industries to optimize projects costs, influence better business processes, and create business models that really work for clients.


CPCII utilizes certified:

Associate Value Specialist™ (AVS)

Value Methodology Practitioner™ (VMP)

Certified Value Specialist™ (CVS)



Value Engineering services:

Portfolio VE Management

Value Engineering

Value Analysis

Value Management


Training and Education of VE Techniques


Cost/Benefit Analysis

Economic Analysis

Life Cycle Costing

Energy Modeling

Constructability Reviews

Value Engineering Training




VE Techniques


Parado of VE cost items by discipline

Evaluate 80% of costs in 20% of scope

Invite discipline Engineers to a Workshop

Plan Workshop

Form & Function discussions

Discuss ideas for Value Analysis

Scope ideas during workshop

Perform Value analysis on top ideas

Workshop report out with selected idea

Document findings

Lifecycle analysis, if necessary



Portfolio VE Management